About AVCT
The Board of ten Directors and Charity Trustees are all volunteers and have a range of backgrounds, skills and interests.
- Nigel Dyke - Chair
- Councillor Jos Clark - Trustee
- Dr Charles Booth - Trustee
- Matt Kyle - Trustee
- Dan Flew - Trustee
- Mary Wood - Trustee
- Steph Mustoe - Trustee
Before joining Alec French Architects he was an Associate of Nealon Tanner Architects, Bristol, where he worked on a number of educational and community projects. Prior to that he worked as a Project Architect for Jestico + Whiles in London, principally on residential, education and low energy projects.
At Alec French, he has been involved in a number of high profile projects in Bristol for both public and commercial clients including Quakers Friars and the refurbishment of Grade II listed City Hall on behalf of Bristol City Council. He has a particular interest in workspaces, low energy design and the creative use of existing buildings.
Nigel is an active member of various business and design groups in Bristol; he was a visiting critic at the Centre of Alternative Technology and UWE Bristol and is a member of the Steering Group of the Bristol Urban Design Forum, member of Academy of Urbanism and Honorary Business Fellow at UWE Bristol.
She lives in Brislington and has spent many happy hours with her son when he was little, walking around the area.
She became councillor for Brislington West in 2016 and was happy to come onto the board of trustees at that time. She has lived in Bristol and Keynsham most of her life. Her background is as a qualified social worker doing her training at Bristol University.
He is an active teacher and researcher and committed to public engagement, based on his research. Over the course of his academic career he has been involved in a number of externally funded research projects, both public and private; the most recent working with the BBC in an AHRC-funded project concerning the 2014 First World War Centenary.
Dan currently holds 3 protected species surveying licenses, these include a Class 2 science and conservation NE Bat license, Class 1 NE Great Crested Newt license, a NE Barn owl survey licence, and also a NRW Bat licence. He is on the board of trustees for Arnos Vale Cemetery helping to maintain and enhance the site for wildlife and visitors.
His MSc dissertation looked at the ecology of Lesser horseshoe bats in an urban environment within the city of Bristol and looked at how valuable different survey methods were for this species.
Although not primarily a botanist, Dan is very keen on flora, and likes to focus on fern identification. He is a keen Herpetologist, and has good knowledge of UK species and also has qualifications in reptile husbandry.
In 2017 Dan appeared on BBC 1 Countyfile, talking about nocturnal wildlife in cemeteries and bats. He has also featured on BBC Radio 4 talking about bats and Goth culture.
Ann Fiddler
Chief Executive Officer
Kate Humphrey
Enterprise Manager
Sophie Butt
Sales, Weddings & Events Manager
Emily Lifely
Shop Manager
Kaitlin Hunter-Wyatt
Cafe & Hospitality Manager
Bradley Llewellyn-Carsley
Cafe Team Lead
Peter De'Ath
Finance Manager
Janine Marriott
Public Engagement Manager
Vanessa Spencer
Cemetery Services Manager
Bethan Grant
Fundraising Manager
Ruth Preece
Research & Operations Officer
Nick Bull BA
Estates Manager
Sam Ashman
Estates Supervisor
Russell Porter
Landscape Volunteer Officer
Steve Litson
Facilities Assistant
Amie Matthews
Jordan Wolff
Please see our jobs page for available roles and how to apply.
Our vision is that Arnos Vale Cemetery evolves, staying relevant for Bristol's communities. Our mission is to share and enhance this special place for all.
- We enhance a natural and historic landscape for the benefit of our community and for nature
- We aim to ensure the benefits of Arnos Vale are accessible to all
- We provide compassionate support for people coping with bereavement
- We create exceptional experiences and cherished memories
- We attract support and resources to provide loving care for Arnos Vale
"All organisations change but few have evolved as far as Arnos Vale. Significantly impacted of course by the Pandemic the Charity will need
to evolve once again to respond to this new reality and yet retain those things that make it special.
This Business Plan 2021-2024 created with the input of both Trustees and Staff, is perfectly timed to allow us to reflect and act on new and emerging opportunities in a clear and measurable way, allowing the organisation to
move forward to a secure future"
Nigel Dyke, Chair